Sunshine Barre

Leaner. Stronger. Longer.

Sunshine “Sisterhood” Code of Ethics

My goal is for us to live as strong and compassionately with ourselves along this journey of life !Surrounding ourselves with like minded people encouraging us to THRIVE / VIBE & LOVE

My goal is for us to live as strong and compassionately with ourselves along this journey of life !

Surrounding ourselves with like minded people encouraging us to THRIVE / VIBE & LOVE


Spirit-filled experience.

I have learned we need to love and appreciate one another. We are our own reflections of one another. Attending the sunshine Studio each and every day made me realize, that it doesn’t matter what we look like, what we wear, it doesn’t matter where we come from or what we are, if we hold space for one another we create transformational space. #sunshinesisterhood 

Creating a space that can impact a woman’s life or even vision can be done in a short amount of time, that’s transformative. A space like Sunshine Barre Studio means the world to me because a lot of us come from a male dominant culture where women are taught to repress our own feelings. Society creates a place and time for our girls and women of color to speak.
True sisterhood cannot be forced. It is has to be developed with interest, patience, reciprocity and over time. Not every woman will be your best friend, nor should she be invited to be in your inner circle, but every woman is deserving of your respect and support when you are able to provide it. Sisterhood is not a trite word we throw around. Being your sister’s keeper should be a reflex. It should be based on how you would want to be treated if you were walking in her shoes. Sisterhood knows no boundary, no race, no class or geography. Sisterhood transcends and it transforms us for the better. Sisterhood is from the heart. 

1. Be kind
2. Be patient
3. Communicate
4. Be empathetic
5. Operate by a Code of Conduct. Don’t be a hypocrite.

It’s time for us to put the “sister” back into the word “sisterhood.” It starts with you and with me, right here and right now